Question for you.
How’s the “face on your face”?
You know what I mean. Are your eyes downcast? Are you frowning? Are you squinting your eyes? Is your smile upside down? Are you pursing your lips? Are your eyes staring vacantly ahead oblivious to everything around you?
Just for fun….try to make that face right now!!!
Is this the “face on your face”?
Are your eyes looking up and out reflecting light? Are your lips upturned at the corners? Is there energy in your gaze as you actively look at others, make eye contact, and smile?
Ok…just for fun….try making that face right now!!!
Can you feel the difference? Can you feel the shift in your intention? Can you feel the uplifting of your mood?
Often, particularly when we are having a tough day, we walk around with our heads down. We might be at work, we might be at the grocery store, we might be walking down the street, or we might just be at home. We pull back into ourselves and have tunnel vision avoiding the gaze of others.
But today? Today, I encourage you, my friends, regardless of how your day is going or where you are, to LOOK UP INTENTIONALLY, to SEE OTHERS, to MAKE EYE CONTACT, and then….then to SMILE!
JUST SMILE! And see what happens!