Guess what? There has never been another you! And there will never be another you! There is only one! YOU! And you have been created with certain strengths of personality which predict and drive your behavior. Who you are is a GIFT! People learn about our strengths and our gifts through our behavior.

However, HOW you are is a choice! We choose our behavior often completely unaware that we are choosing. Most of the time, our strengths of personality will allow us to choose well and our behavior will reinforce and amplify our strengths and our gifts..

But sometimes, our behavior is not good. Sometimes our behavior reveals something else about it. Sometimes we don’t behave well. Sometimes our behavior chooses us rather than us choosing our behavior. Why does this happen? Why don’t we always behave well and what causes us to not be our best self?

Well, it’s simple! STRESS! Stress causes us to lose the ability to be our best self and to choose our behavior wisely. Stress causes us to be more reactive in situations. Under stress, we can no longer harness our gifts and strengths of personality.

So this day, I encourage you to reflect upon both your strengths and your stress. I encourage you to maximize your strengths. I encourage you to be aware of how your choice of behavior affects others. Personality is a GIFT! Behavior is a CHOICE! How will your choice of behavior today, reflect your gifts and strengths to others? Something to think about!