JOY is a feeling. It is an emotion. It is also fleeting. We know what it feels like when we experience it but JOY can be very hard to explain. JOY is a gift. It is a gift to each person individually and uniquely created for you. What brings you JOY?
For some of us, JOY is found in the creation and experienced in nature. A beautiful sunrise, a rainbow, the smell and beauty of flowers, the colors of the trees, the smell of a new rain, the chirping of birds, and so many other things. What brings you JOY?
For some of us, JOY is found in the stillness and in the quiet of a Saturday morning, as we read something that fills our soul, drink a cup of coffee, meditate, or pray. For others, it is the candle we light, the smell of fresh baked cookies, the soak in the tub, or the music that moves us beyond words and so deeply touches us with it’s beautiful sound that a tear might roll down our cheek. What brings you JOY?
And for still others, JOY is found in and through our relationships with family and friends. For some of us, that might be holding that new baby or puppy, seeing your child succeed in something that they have worked so hard for, or running into an old friend who greets you with outstretched arms and a warm hug, What brings you JOY?
And at other times, JOY might be felt when we engage in activities and experiences that push us to reach new heights, challenge us to accomplish something new, or when we finally achieve something that we have worked long and hard for. What brings you JOY?
So here’s the point. Each of us needs JOY in our lives. We need to feel the blessing of this gift. JOY serves to lift our spirits and to fill us up with more energy. JOY also serves to help us shine our light into the lives of others who may need more JOY in their lives. We can actually be the thing that helps someone else experience JOY. What brings you JOY?
So on this day, my friends, I encourage you to look for opportunities to experience JOY all throughout your day. JOY will pick you up, give you energy, put a smile on your face, and brighten our world. You will be glad you did!